piątek, 13 kwietnia 2012

Mario Puzo's "The Godfather: The lost years" by Mark Winegardner

From time to time, at our university, appears the bookstall with literature in English language, at very encouraging prices. In most part these books are use, but it has no matter, they're in great condition. Choice of books is large, from novels to academic literature.
Today, I was attracted by continuation of Puzo's The Godfather trilogy, written by Mark Winegardner, who got copyrights from Puzo's heirs, to continue The Godfather story. He is very appreciated novelist, who gained recognition for his works, own writing style, and recreation style of Puzo's.
Winegardner's Lost years are placed in time, between first and second part of Puzo's original. Story tells us what was happening with Corleone familiy since 1955 to 1961. There were many positive opinions about the book from Sunday Times, Daily Express, Daily Telegraph and others. The book counts almost 700 pages. 

I'am big fan of The Godfather the novel, as well as the movie, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. I love the film adaptation. Young Al Pacino and Robert de Niro are amazing, their acting skills are simply brilliant! And of course the movie wouldn't be the same without the character of don Vito Corleone played by Marlon Brando. 
Here is a bit of what acting is by Brando, quite funny :)

wtorek, 3 kwietnia 2012

A movie recently seen.

I watch movies very often. After I finish one, there's always next, waiting to be watched.
The last movie, that I've seen was "Spy". Based on a brilliant novel, called "Tinker, taylor, soldier, spy", from the classic of genre, master of espionage novels - John le Carre. The novel itself is a work of genius (as many of his works), but film adaptation is also great, co-starring the cream of the crop of actors - Garry Oldman, Colin Firth and John Hurt. Next to those three great, there is a few promising actors, representatives of young generation, I'm saying about Tom Hardy, and Benedict Cumberbatch. There is also Mark Strong, who is deceptively similar to Andy Garcia :).
I don't want to tell much about the plot in novel and movie, but I must say that the storyline is the masterpiece. Events from the past, strange coincidences, cut conversations are really breathtaking. It isn't spectacular action movie, with guns, shootings. Fans of Die Hard, or even James Bond will be disappointed, for sure. Develop of incidences demands constant attention. Storyline brings to you many small facts, and every single one of them is important.
The main character is George Smiley, played by Gary Oldman. Mr. Smiley is elderly, retired officer of British intelligence service, MI6, popularly called "The Circus". The headquarters of MI6 are supposing, that they've got a "mole" in their higher structures. A "Mole" is an equivalent of "double agent". The plot of the movie revolves around the USRR and  England, and their espionage operations. Smiley, as a person who isn't connected with Circus anymore, is a perfect man to solve this case. Will he discover the truth?
Worth mentioning is a brilliant music, nominated to Oscar award.